Who We Are
Spanning over twenty years, LLAC has spearheaded public relations campaigns and produced high-profile press-generating events globally for top-tier hospitality concepts, entertainment enterprises, product launches, film premieres, celebrity appearances, and more. With invaluable experience in marketing, public relations, special event production, and promotions in its repertoire, LLAC provides all the unwavering support needed for creating domestic and international brand recognition for clients and projects.

LISA LONG ADLER is a seasoned marketing and production executive with over 20 years' experience creating domestic and international brand recognition with a focus on marketing, public relations, special event production, and promotions.
Adler began her career overseeing publicity for feature films including Dances with Wolves, Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure and The Fugitive, among others. As Executive Vice President of Worldwide Marketing for Planet Hollywood, she managed relationships with celebrities, film industry executives and brand partners to produce over 45 star-studded events for the brand across the globe.
Through her consulting firm established in 1999, Adler has led venue and special event communications and produced events for clients including MGM Resorts International, Wynn Resorts, Black Tap Craft Burgers & Beer, and more. On behalf of Wynn Las Vegas, Adler activated the resort's feature film initiatives securing The House (Will Ferrell), Mall Cop 2 (Kevin James) and Frank and Lola (Michael Shannon). Adler is currently producing a documentary about Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward, directed by Ethan Hawke.

JIM HAVEY has been a PR professional for over two decades, creating and executing successful multi-faceted PR campaigns and producing press-generating events for entertainment and hospitality industry accounts and lifestyle brands. Havey's PR career began in New York City where he managed publicity initiatives for restaurants, nightlife concepts, lifestyle product launches and campaigns, rock and rap stars, top models and personalities. In 2001, Havey relocated to Nashville, TN, where he continues to work with an eclectic clientele while partnering with LLAC.